Friday, November 16, 2007

Can't wait until turkey day!

Don't you love this weather today, high 50's-mid 60's. I love it. To see the leaves dancing across the grass, to walk in your yard and hear crunch because of all the pecans on the ground, to be able to put on a light jacket and feel so cozy. I love it. It makes me so happy. I can hardly wait to pack up our car for 4 days, loaded down with all of the stuff that we have to take with us. Having my four precious excited children asking us how much longer until we get there, over and over and then finally 1 1/2 long hours later :), we roll up in the driveway of our family racing out to greet us.(running past Alex and I to grab the kids) we are so loved. We have been planning on who's making what for over the last 2 weeks. We are a family that likes to cook, loves to eat and not really enjoy cleaning the mess we all made. We then all adjourn in front of the TV watching football and most of us pass out. Then we stay up really late playing games, talking, laughing and drinking lot's of coffee, the next morning is the most exciting shopping day of the year we wake up at a wildly crazy hour to be some of the many hundred's of people to be shoulder to shoulder at the stores.

I am blessed to have such a fun and loving family! Thank you God for this blessing!!!!

Have a great week preparing for your holiday!