Friday, September 24, 2010

Life Changing

So it has been a really long time since I have written on my blog, not sure really why....Sometimes I think, I have nothing to say that anyone would care to read. But tonight I feel like writing. My family life is great, the kids are happy, healthy and doing well in school and are at a happy place. Alex and I are happier than ever. Church life is exciting and doing well. We are happy and doing well according to our culture, life is GREAT! But God has gotten a hold of our hearts and has been teaching us over the last few years, that there is sooooo much more than my little happy comfortable life out here, so much more. Our hearts and minds are on overload of what should we be doing, we have been pondering and praying for several months what it is that He wants us to do? Still as of today we do not have clear confirmation of anything earth shattering, mind blowing or totally jaw dropping. But what we do know is this: He want's us to love deeper and by doing this we should: care about the hurting, lost, poor, widowed and orphaned. Not just be concerned for them but actually do something about it. Build deep community with people, be real, be transparent and in the middle of all of this teach our children to do just the same. He want's us to be doers and not just hearers. So that's basically what's going on over here. Oh yeah, a few good reads that we have been chewing on have been: Radical by David Platt, Crazy Love and Forgotten God by Francis Chan check them out if you want to be challenged and changed!! :)

Thursday, December 18, 2008

December Happenings

December has been a busy but fun month!! We started the weekend with the Christmas Stroll and Parade to get us in the Christmas Spirit. We have had school plays, class parties, school caroling and of course Joshua's weekly basketball games. With church we have had a busy schedule but lot's of fun. We had a recent Childrens Christmas Musical with our church and Alex and I had the privelage of being hippys. I have shared a picture just so you'll know what Alex would look like with an Afro. (By the way Jana and Kara once again... Great Job!)
Right before Christmas get's here, Alex has celebrated his birthday, gotten sick and now Matthew, Joshua and myself have pink eye all in the same 24 hrs. I was scheduled to have a small surgery Friday, but the surgeon decided to reschedule until the day after Christmas b/c of the pink eye.

Anyways... This Christmas Season I hope that you all have lot's of family time and make wonderful memories and of course enjoy, reflect and celebrate the real and true meaning of Christmas!!!

Happy Birthday My Awesome Husband

How do I love thee, Oh Alex- Let me count the 36 ways!!!

1. I love your passion and obedience for God and His word.
2. I love how you greet me with adoration when you see me.
3. I love how you adore your children.
4. I love how you play with your children.
5. I love how you encourage me and the children to never give up.
6. I love your ability to be able to help me around the house with any task.
7. I love how you strive to do things with excellance.
8. I love how you pray and believe that God is in control at ALL times.
9. I love how you don't judge others even when they have not been nice to you.
10. I love that you always are available to help people out with anything.
11. I love that you are always quick to forgive me when I have not been very nice.
12. I love that you have compassion pouring out of you for others.
13. I love that you like to play board games.
14. I love that you will watch a chick movie and not complain about it.
15. I love that you want to go shopping with me.
16. I love that you take such good care of us.
17. I love your sparkling blue eyes.
18. I love the way you make coffee.
19. I love it when you cook.
20. I love how you pour into the children and their families at our church.
21. I love how you pour into your own family.
22. Believe it or not I love that you walk around speaking with different accents at any different time.
23. I love that you choose JOY.
24. I love that you never get caught up in drama or gossip.
25. I love that you are a classic gentleman.
26. I love that you can memorize the strangest things: movie lines, songs, quotes from a book, trivia.
27. I love how you eat anything and everything that I cook and tell me that was delicious.
28. I love how you bring peace to our home.
29. I love how you correct and discipline the children with love and peace.
30. I love how you respect your parents.
31. I love that you like to celebrate holidays with such excitement.
32. I love that you listen to me ramble for hours sometimes.
33. I love that you give me such wonderful advice.
34. I love that you are the best packer in the world.
35. I love that you are older then me.
36. I love that you love me like I have never been loved before!

and one more to grow on....

I love your desire to continue growing in your Christian walk and faith.

Alex I love you and I hope that you have had a wonderful birthday!!!!

Wednesday, November 5, 2008

Remember, know matter what: God is in control

Shout for joy to the Lord, all the earth. Worship the Lord with gladness, come before him with joyful songs Know that the Lord is God. It is he who made us, and we are his; we are his people, the sheep of his pasture. Enter his gates with Thanksgiving and his courts with praise; give thanks to him and praise his name. For the Lord is good and his love endures forever; his faithfulness continues through all generations.- Psalm 100

Happy Birthday Mom!

Well today would have been my Mom's 69th birthday. She has been with the Lord for 8 years already. Sometimes I can't believe that it's been that long and then other times it feels like it's been forever...

I just wanted to share a few random thoughts about her.

-She was a Southern girl from Miami, Florida
-My Dad and her went to school together and she did not like him, my Dad was mean to her brother. Her heart finally softened towards him when she was 28 and then they married
-She wanted a dozen of children, however she could never get pregnant. They adopted my brother when she 33 and me when she was 36.
-She always told us that we were special because we were hand picked :)
-When I was a teenager, we both were passionate and fought about everything. I wanted freedom she wanted me to never grow up. The wedding was real hard for her. She was not real happy about Alex taking me away from her. She secretly liked him!
-She wanted me to have a dozen grand children for her, and she told me they could all live with her.
-Kids at church affectionatley called her "The Gum Lady", the price was always a hug for a piece of gum.

Anyways I do miss her I know she would have been smitten with her grandchildren. Joshua is the oldest and he was 15 months when she died.

We keep her memory alive with our children by showing them pictures, telling them stories and telling them how much she would have spoiled them rotten :)

Anyways, just wanted to share a little bit of me

Monday, November 3, 2008

Noah's Ark Day

Different things to say

It has been a while since I have had time to put my thoughts down, so here it goes ...

Fall Festival is over!!!! Whoo Hoo !!!!! We had so much fun with this, however it is nice for Alex not to have so much preasure weighing on his shoulders. Every evening for the past month he would email, configure maps, think and plan. Yes it was a great night, however it was our 1st Annual Community wide fall festival. We had 13 other churches in the community who came together and offered our Community a night of free fun for their families. He now of course is putting together a list of all the what to do different next year things... I think he has to always be busy doing somehting, I'm sure that's most men.

Alex's dad had a mild stroke a few weeks ago and had to be in the hospital for a few days. He went back to work today and his boss told him that they were going to have to let him go :( my mother in law is so sad and stressed, but know's that God has it all under control. My father in law is trying to reduce his drinking and smoking I am praying that during this dissapointing stressful time he will call out to God for strength.

My Dad is still waiting for his appointment to be scheduled to have "The Halo" performed, which is the burning of the cancer cells. This has been a long few months. Anyways, it has been a new season in our life having both of our dads with health problems. Not a place we are enjoying but we now it's a part of life....

God has been so good to Alex and I. We are blessed. Even with the stessfull last few months, busy times, messy house, always behind on laundry, always pinching pennies. God is Good!!! We love our life. We love our kids. We love our family. We love our church. We love our friends!

That's the update on us!