Thursday, August 7, 2008

I think we have good news!

First of all thank you friends for all your encouragement and prayers during the last few weeks. My Dad went to the oncologist and I think we got some great news. (Dr. Cody is an angel in my eyes)He feels that there will probly be a great outcome. He told us that the approach he has recommended has really been successfull thus far with his patients. My dad got a scan the other day to make sure the cancer has not spread and so far it has not!

I still need prayer b/c I have not had the "talk" about his salvation. I don't want to chicken out b/c I feel things are going to be okay. We go back on the 18th to see when treatments will begin. And that's the update on my sweet Dad!

Once again thank you my sweet readers and friends for your loving words. Your words truly gave me a calming over my crazy worries ! Thanks again!