Monday, November 3, 2008

Different things to say

It has been a while since I have had time to put my thoughts down, so here it goes ...

Fall Festival is over!!!! Whoo Hoo !!!!! We had so much fun with this, however it is nice for Alex not to have so much preasure weighing on his shoulders. Every evening for the past month he would email, configure maps, think and plan. Yes it was a great night, however it was our 1st Annual Community wide fall festival. We had 13 other churches in the community who came together and offered our Community a night of free fun for their families. He now of course is putting together a list of all the what to do different next year things... I think he has to always be busy doing somehting, I'm sure that's most men.

Alex's dad had a mild stroke a few weeks ago and had to be in the hospital for a few days. He went back to work today and his boss told him that they were going to have to let him go :( my mother in law is so sad and stressed, but know's that God has it all under control. My father in law is trying to reduce his drinking and smoking I am praying that during this dissapointing stressful time he will call out to God for strength.

My Dad is still waiting for his appointment to be scheduled to have "The Halo" performed, which is the burning of the cancer cells. This has been a long few months. Anyways, it has been a new season in our life having both of our dads with health problems. Not a place we are enjoying but we now it's a part of life....

God has been so good to Alex and I. We are blessed. Even with the stessfull last few months, busy times, messy house, always behind on laundry, always pinching pennies. God is Good!!! We love our life. We love our kids. We love our family. We love our church. We love our friends!

That's the update on us!

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