Friday, September 24, 2010

Life Changing

So it has been a really long time since I have written on my blog, not sure really why....Sometimes I think, I have nothing to say that anyone would care to read. But tonight I feel like writing. My family life is great, the kids are happy, healthy and doing well in school and are at a happy place. Alex and I are happier than ever. Church life is exciting and doing well. We are happy and doing well according to our culture, life is GREAT! But God has gotten a hold of our hearts and has been teaching us over the last few years, that there is sooooo much more than my little happy comfortable life out here, so much more. Our hearts and minds are on overload of what should we be doing, we have been pondering and praying for several months what it is that He wants us to do? Still as of today we do not have clear confirmation of anything earth shattering, mind blowing or totally jaw dropping. But what we do know is this: He want's us to love deeper and by doing this we should: care about the hurting, lost, poor, widowed and orphaned. Not just be concerned for them but actually do something about it. Build deep community with people, be real, be transparent and in the middle of all of this teach our children to do just the same. He want's us to be doers and not just hearers. So that's basically what's going on over here. Oh yeah, a few good reads that we have been chewing on have been: Radical by David Platt, Crazy Love and Forgotten God by Francis Chan check them out if you want to be challenged and changed!! :)


mandi said...

Wow! I want to hear more!

Jana said...

welcome back... missed you in the blog world! i sometimes think no one is reading my blog, but some of it is more like a journal for me, whether anyone reads or not. keep writing!

Jana said...

Oh lady...we've been drinking the same water!! Lots of work going on in this house too. I'll pray that He keeps stirring your heart and keeps revealing His plan to you. I'm excited to see where He takes all of us!!

Nancy said...

Keep praying, seeking, & listening can never go wrong when you do.

Aleesa said...

Hooray!! You are back!

I feel the exact same way. I am still processing and struggling with all I saw and experienced while in Haiti and how it all ties in to my life here. I've yet to air it all out on my blog...

I have Crazy Love on my nightstand waiting to be read. I read Revolution in World Missions last month and it was VERY challenging thought provoking.

I'm glad you are writing again and can't wait to read more about your journey.